Wednesday, August 10, 2016

So, I totally forgot to post last month (June) and now that it’s august I might as well write something for both June AND July. This will probably jump around a lot, so bear with me. 
Essentially nothing happened during the month of June. Well, nothing I wanted to have happen anyway. I had a lot of blood tests done because my endocrinologist wants to get a jump on trying to figure out why I’m not pregnant yet. I had multiple tests done to see if I have Cushings Disease, and they all came back negative. I had a decent panel of hormones done and my Prolactin level was high, so had to have that redone as well. I told my mom about the hormone results and naturally she brought them to HER endocrinologist, who seems to think I need to have my pituitary gland looked at. I haven’t brought that up with my endo yet. I do need to call that office to make a “follow up” appointment for December anyway.
July happened. It got hot. And humid. And so gross outside I didn’t want to do anything. I didn’t go to the beach (I hate going to the beach in the summer anyways…) I haven’t gone anywhere (no money). One of my good friends came back from Germany, and I haven’t seen her in almost a year, so it was good to see her again. I thought I was pregnant for 5 days this month. I my period was late…almost a week late. And then I started spotting and having cramps and wondered if it was implantation bleeding. Then it got heavier, so I stocked up on pads and tampons and waited for my weekend to be totally ruined. My period typically runs its course over 4-5 days. This time, it started on a Friday and was DONE by Sunday. It’s weird. I took 4 cheap pregnancy tests and 1 VERY expensive pregnancy test during the week my period was late and they all came back negative. I am concerned my cycle will be all messed up now and trying to figure out my ovulation time will be a pain in the you know where. 
August is the “last” month for us to try before I can talk to my specialist about going to the infertility clinic here. August is also like the PRIME month I would like to get pregnant because then we have a may baby and no summer pregnancy for me.
We're going to a baby shower this weekend so I'm going to try to go in with all the positive intentions I can muster in hopes that some baby juju will rub off on me/us this month. Also, having twins, while doubly terrifying and puts me at even higher risk AND would mean more immediate work for us, has now become an acceptable and actually hoped for outcome for me. Travis wants twins. I never wanted to have my own kids til like a year and a half ago. Now I'm mentally pushing for twins. Clearly something has changed in my mental stability lol